Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins From; Dunboyne Active; November 1982 – Feb 1984
Style; New Wave
Vocals; Denny Keague
Guitar; Andy Conroy
Bass; Rod Kelly
Drums; Paul McDermott

Janice Long invited the band to do a recording session for her show after hearing a demo tape the band sent her. The two track tape recorded at Slane Studio featured “Empire” and “Tomorrow Land”. Display a new found song writing maturity that has progressed from their early U2-ish sound to a wide kaleidoscope of music full of joy and happiness. The new music is dance music supreme in a modern vein. Varicose Veins recorded a 4 track session with BBC Radio One’s Janice Long in their Manchester studio. The session was broadcast on 13th September 1984. On the advice of Janice they also changed their name to Boomshanka . As Paul McDermott have left the band by this time, Gerry Carroll was drafted in for the Janice Long session.

Single Cut?

According to the local press Empire & Tomorrow Land were cut as single at Slane Studio, at this time I don’t know if it was ever released as a single.

Fanning Sessions

The band had a dig at Dave Fanning & Ian Wilson in the local press after being told by the pair that the tape was not of a high enough standard to get airplay on RTE. I can see their point, if it was good enough for Janice Long. They also slated Hot Press for it’s lack of support for up and coming Irish bands.

Name Change & New Drummer

In 1984 after the name change Paraig Ennis replaces Paul McDermot on drums. When Boomshanka play the Baggot Inn in Dublin they have nearly a full set of new material.