Sussed The

The Cretins/The Sussed/The Same/Amuse
Of all the pages on this site, this one was the most difficult to produce. The time lines of the various bands all overlap. They could be playing as the Sussed one week and the Cretins or Amuse the next.
from; Churchtown, Dublin Active; 1979 – 1984
Style; Punk
Line up;
The Cretins Active; 1979 – 1981
Style; Punk
Line Up;
lead vocals & Bass; Rory Stokes
lead guitar & backing vocals; Shane O’Neill
Rhythm Guitar; Bomber Tynan
Drums; David Clarke

The Sussed Active; 1979 – 1984
Style; Punk
Line up;
Vocals & Synth; Rory Stokes
Guitars; Paul Mooney
Bass; Declan Jones
Drums; John McGrath

The Same Active 1980
Style; New Wave
Line up;
Vocals; tbc
Guitar; David Long
Bass; Declan Jones
Drums; tbc
Keyboards; tbc

Amuse Active; 1981
Style; tbc
Line up;
Vocals; David Long
Guitar; Shane O’Neill
Bass; Declan Jones
Drums; David Clarke

Vocals; Rory Stokes Vocals
This is taken from Hot Press October 1979:
David Long and Shane O’Neil were always together in a band that never that got off the ground, but showed how good they were when Rory Stokes and David Clarke showed up. Rory and David used to be in a band called The The in 1978 but Rory left to become lead vocalist in the Sussed.
Their music is not unlike the early Sex Pistols, and despite their respective ages, the Cretins have 90% original material. Titles include “I Can Throw a Tantrum”, “I’ve Got Rabies”, “Everybody’s Cretins”, and “No Need”, Ages range from 15 – 17.
1979: I was age 14 – we supported U2 in the Howth Community Centre. We brought all our gear except the Bass drum (it wouldn’t fit on the bus) on two buses to Howth. Larry Mullen said we couldn’t borrow his so we hiked across Howth Hill and back to borrow one off Neil McCormack.
We played a cover of Radiators From Space “Television Screen” that night and were mortified to come off stage and see the late Phil Chevron of The Radiators in the crowd (turned out he liked it).
31/10/1981 St Louis, Rathmines
31/10/1981 St Louis, Rathmines

06/11/1981 De La Salle, Churchtown

23/01/1982 Technical College, Dundrum
The Cretins
lead vocals & Bass; Rory Stokes
lead guitar & backing vocals; Shane O’Neill
Rhythm Guitar; Bomber Tynan
Drums; David Clarke

The Sussed

23/01/1982 Dundrum Tech

The Cretins

Line up;

Rory Stokes Lead Vocals

Shane O’Neil Guitar

David Long Bass

David Clarke Drums