Side Fx

Side F.X. from; Navan Road, Dublin Active; 1979 – 198?
Original Line Up;
Vocals; Brendan “Bocer” O’Conner
Guiter; Mark Evans
Bass; Graham Lloyd
Drums; “Mad” Mick Scanlan

Crofton Airport Hotel

Photo supplied by Mark Evans, @ Crofton Airport Hotel Another one of the many Navan Road, Punk/Oi bands that sprang up at this time. Paul & Stephen were in Driver with Pete McCluskey (former Strouger), only playing out once, as support to the Threat at the Dandelion Market. Paul & Stephen would both go on to be in the Threat (’81 line up) & later with Neu Belsen.
Side Fx had residency’s at the Magnet & Toners in Dublin, also played the Baggot Inn. 08/12/1979 Corfton Airport Hotel, Dublin with The Lookalikes. Side FX’s first gig according to Hot Press “Frontlines”. Brendan O’Connor That was our first and nearly last gig!! pictured left, Brendan (on his knees), Mark (left), Graham (right). Second Line Up Vocals; Brendan “Bocer” O’Conner Guitar; Mark Evans Bass; Graham Lloyd Drums; Steven O’Brien Photo supplied by Mark Evans 11/01/1980 Silver Dollar, Silvermines 13/01/1980 Five Alley Lounge, Nenagh 18/01/1980 O’Conners, Nenagh 20/01/1980 Silver Dollar, Silvermines 25/01/1980 Friary Lounge, Nenagh 27/01/1980 The Central, Borrisokane 28/01/1980 Five Alley Lounge, Nenagh 26/04/1980 McGonagles, Dublin with The Strougers, this is an afternoon gig. “Bocer” Photo supplied by Mark Evans

Magnet Bar Residency

Side F.X. & Meelah XVIII The Magnet June 80 Gerard Siggins Hot Press
This was the first night of Side FX’s residency at the Magnet, but there was barley 30 people at the gig, including the 2 bands.

A really clever name

Side FX (really clever name) brought a lot of their mates to the gig, and they all threw themselves around the floor to the 90 mph 3 chord punk. “This isn’t new wave, it’s P-U-N-K!!!” They mean it maaaann! The songs are simple, hard and fast. Ireland’s answer to the Cockney Rejects? Titles include “Epitaph For The Working Man”, “Schoolboy Anarchy”, “The Boys In Blue” (terrace rant Sham style about Gardai), “Superheroes”. They play the traditional reggae number that just about every punk band does nowadays (Clash, Ruts, SLF etc), a song called “Poverty”.

The last Side FX song played was “World War III”, but their mates all screamed for, and got the encore. The song played was Crass’s “Roxy”, with the lyrics changed to read “Were banned from McGonagle’s…………..OK! We never wanna play there………….ANYWAY”.

16/06/1980 McGonagles, Dublin with The Letters
00/00/1980 Project Arts Centre with Rudi

Living In The Past
A night on which an excess of audience participation led to ugly scenes. A night when living in the past ruled, and was shown to be corrupt.

Side FX would like to have lived in London in 1976, but unfortunately live in Dublin in 1980. To, me, there is little difference between nostalgia for the Roxy and the punk scene, and nostalgia for Haight Ashbury and psychedelia. Both are equally redundant now.

Side FX’s lead vocalist would like to be John Lydon. They play and sing songs with titles like “Why Am I A Reject?” in a dull monotone. People pogoed and fell over one another and enjoyed themselves. It was quaint.
Hot Press Des Traynor

Court Injunction

Ten residents of a Dublin housing estate were granted a temporary injunction against a rock band drummer, preventing him from practising in his home.
The temporary injunction was given in Dublin Circuit Court by Mr Justice Neylon against Michael Scanlon, of Sutton Park, Sutton, a drummer with the rock band Side FX.

The case will come up for a full hearing in two week’s time.
Side FX also supported U2 at their open air gig in Sheffield Street, Dublin.
All photo’s supplied by Mark Evans