Crime Rate

Crime Rate from; Dublin Active; 1979 – 1980
Style; New Wave
Line up;
Lead Vocals Guitar; Donal Higgins
Lead Guitar Vocals; Martyn Taylor
Bass & Vocals; Ray Dunne
Drums & Vocals; Michael Kuming

According to reports in Hot Press Crime Rate recorded a very good two track demo tape in 1980. The tracks were “Girls” & “Central Station”.

Picture from Dublin Evening Press.

McGonagle’s Residency

Crime Rate had a Thursday night residency at McGonagle’s in May & June of 1980. They also had a support slot with Horslips at St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra. They also played dates at the Imperial Bar, Wexford, Crofton Airport Hotel, Crayfort College, Blackrock, RTC Cork. They also had a residency at the Sportsmans Inn with White Noise.

If you can help with any information, demo tapes or memorabilia on this band please get in touch, using the form below.