Glam Rock

Glam Rock

Glam rock didn’t really exist in Ireland. Unless you can tell me different. The only two bands I know of are the Bent Fairy & the Punkettes & Greta Garbage & the Trashcans. Both bands featured Steve Rapid & Billy Morely.

Bent Fairy & The Punkettes

Glam Rock
Bent Fairy image supplied by Steve Averill
Glam Rock
Image supplied by Steve Averill
Glam Rock
Image supplied by Steve Averill

Bent Fairy & The Punkettes only played out once. That was at a certain school in Malahide, Dublin called Mountjoy. It would later change it’s name to Mount Temple. Made famous today as the starting point for U2.

Greta Garbage & The Trashcans

By 1973/74, Dublin born Pete Holidai has moved back to Dublin from London. Pete is walking past and hears the familiar sound of Roxy Music playing. He decides to check out the shop. Steve is working behind the counter. Their life long friendship had begun.

Glam Rock
Billy Pete & Steve
Glam Rock
Greta flyer supplied by Steve Averill. Art work by Steve
Glam Rock
@ RTE Studio, image supplied by Steve Averill