Shade The

The Shade From; Dublin/Stillorgan Active; July 1979 – 1983
Style; Power Pop
Line up;
Guitar & Voclas; David Keating
Vocals & Bass; Bren McCarthy
Drums; Cahill O’Reilly
Keyboards & Vocals; Tom Killen

25/07/1980 Project Arts Centre, Dublin with The Distractions. The Shade are a meticulous modern pop outfit, filling in each twist of their songs with a beaty crammed sound in a way that still impressive rather that inspired. They move through their set with vigour, excitement and professional strength, occasionally displaying a real and enticing song writing talent which, while being explored, is already shooting off little arrows in interesting direction.

A Good Voice

Bassist Bren McCarthy has a good voice that complements the sound, but guitarist David Keating – who does 50% of the singing, has a weak voice, his posey stage presence also jarring heavily. Besides the Shade’ music too often goes for the easy attraction of this year’s model. But a more individual identity is forming and I, for one, want to be there when it takes off.

The Distractions take off from the highest diving board and launch themselves straight into the heart of crowd. They knock me off my feet, leave me dazed and amused. The slightly soft edged, studied perfection of their vinyl pop becomes a living beast of quite different colours on stage, loose and rocking rolling.

The group smile, hop, skip and play, bumping into each other, bouncing off my heart. They have a new guitarist, replacing creative force Steve Perrin, and he is quite possibly responsible for this new rock ‘n’ roll element, making show and grinning, posing and grinning, waving his arms in the air and grinning, glancing round in a desperate attempt to discover which song he should be playing. And grinning.

Mean while Mike Finney stands stage centre. The perennial awkward teenage adult, he peaks out over his glasses, his roly-poly body tipping to the beat, his voice bringing everything to be a point with each quivering note. The point is here and now.

This sharp, rushed, gloriously sloppy, angst filled scrapbook of pop fun: immersing, involving, shakin’ all over, non stop dancing for modern lovers. We’re whooping, clapping, jumping, shouting, whistling, smiling. Each tremble of excitement reminds you this is it! This Is It! The first gig. The first record.

A breath of fresh magic and the romance can begin again. Hot Press review Neil McCormick
During their time together the Shade released two singles and had residencies in McGonagles, Toners, Baggot Inn Sportsmans Inn.
Hot Press project Arts Centre gigs

“The Shade – 6:05 (1981)
6:05 The Shade “A” side of their 1st single.
“The Shade – Talk To Me (1981)”
Talk To Me Juverva Records 1981
“The Shade – Watching You (1982)”
Watching You EMI Records 1982
“The Shade – Touch Sensitive (1982)”
Touch Sensitive EMI Records 1982