Teen Commandments

Teen Commandments From; Dublin 1979 – 1982
Style; Power Pop
Line up 1979 – March/April 1980
Vocals & Guitar; Phil Byrne
Guitar; Steve Stingray
Bass; Richard Creswell
Drums; Dave Moloney  

The Reasons  

Teen Commandments became the “live” version of the “Reasons”. Dave Moloney played drums for a short period from late ’79 to March/April 1980. The Reasons were a studio project band formed after the break up of both Revolver & The Vipers. Pete Holidai was also heavily involved with the band, both producing and writing tracks. 
After Dave, Richard & Steve left the band they continued as a trio, with Phil taking over on bass, & Kevin Reynolds on Drums.

The Reasons  

Single sleeve

“Somethings Better Than Nothing” featured on the “Just For Kicks” LP. This song is the first recording by a member of U2 (The Edge) with another band. 
Baby Left Me would also appear on a compilation LP “Vinyl Verdict”. 
They also released “Private World/Italian Girls as a 7” single.

Philip Byrne “Pete (Pete Holidai) was around all the time, he produced, was involved in writing and co-writing and was just generally there at that time. Great guy. It was a really cool set of recording sessions”.

The 2nd line up  

2nd Line up March/April 1980 – 1981
Vocals & Bass; Phil Byrne
Guitar; Eammon Kelly
Drums; Kevin Reynolds
Hot Press Four tracks from the Teen Commandments – but from an earlier “star studded” incarnation and not the three piece currently treading the boards. Which isn’t the dichotomy it first seems, if recent viewings of the current band are to be reckoned with. They’re improving at a fairly dramatic rate, with only the absence of either keyboards and or a second guitar working against the likelihood that they’ll emulate, if not actually eclipse, the quality of this tape. As it is, these four tracks represent some of the purest pop to come out of Dublin in recent years. There’s one minor classic in the shape of Pete Holidai’s “Private World” while “I Believe In You”, the “Summertime Blues” – means – “I Can’t Explain” riff romp of “My Baby Left Me” and the always excellent “Something’s Better Than Nothing” all go down a treat, and more importantly, bear present vocalist/bassist Philip Byrne’s name in the credits. One hopes that the current band can take up from where this tape leaves off and barring serious writer’s cramp or some such, there’s really no reason why they shouldn’t. 

Teen Commandments, The Irish “Police”?  

Many of the reviews in the Irish press refer too the Teen Commandments as the Irish “Police“. During their three year life span the Teen Commandment toured Ireland many times, rather than just playing the Dublin venues. They had residencies at the Toners, Baggot Inn, Magnet Bar & McGonagle’s & Sportsmans Inn. They also had support slots with many of the international bands touring Ireland including the Ramones, Icarus, The Rezillos, Clanad, The Furey Brothers, Steel Pluse.

A Speedy Recovery  

Hot Press “Catlicks” March 1980 A speedy recovery to Teen Commandment vocalist Philip Byrne who’s in hospital as we write this suffering from a damaged pancreas (it sez here, in Byrne’s personally typed press release), incurred while practising the latest Chas Smash dance steps. There will be no ska in the Teen Commandment’s set when Byrne returns to the stage, the statement added………………….

Hot Press Gig Review

The Sweat, Teen Commandments Crofton Airport Hotel July 80 The vacant gazes and full glasses of disinterested rest on the dance floor tables. Girls cross their legs and look attractive, boys toss their hair and look. On stage the Teen Commandments are trying to be a pop group in a noisy and not so professional way. But the songs they sing endear them to me… eyes are shining, my feet are tapping, though I’m not about to take the dance floor on my own (coward).

Hot Press Gig Review

Though no yet commanding the teen adulation they (oh so) obviously desire, Philip Byrne’s group of new pop merchants display a significant song writing ability that excited me and enraptured me for about five songs. They lost me as the heavy rock elements invaded the songs in riff and solo: although it is not yet strongly pronounced the Teen Commandments suffer from a problem that seems concurrent with other Dublin pop bands (Lookalikes, The Resistors); a tendency towards mid ‘70’s blow dried guitar. They lose the brittle vinyl magic of “Something’s Better Than Nothing” to the glam of pop rock.

Hot Press Gig Review

I’m still prepared to love them a little though, as was the audience. There is something stirring there; if only they take their lessons in a chemistry class, they could learn to command the electric shockwaves they sometimes send through my heart. I’m excited. My eyes are open. Hot Press Neil McCormick

Advert taken from Hot Press

08/10/1980 Grand Cinema, Dublin with the Ramones.Hot Press review by Declan Lynch The Teen Commandments supported, and of the three members, one is called Philip Byrne. Despite getting their sensibilities in a twist, the Teen Commandments are not a lost cause. They resemble many things without ever really transcending them. Squeeze is one of the things they resemble, the Police what they would like to resemble. Basically, Philip Byrne has augmented his sixties wardrobe with some of todays pop fashions. The paradox between the toughness of the material, and the desire to create an image is where the difficulty lies. The Teen Commandments pop dream is double double edged, alternating between pop as aesthetic and pop as popular. If pushed, I’d say they’d choose the latter, especially in view of their musical competence. If pushed again, I’d say their musical and visual terms of reference are too well trodden. If pushed again, I’d leave quietly.

UCD Freshers Ball Hot Press Gig Review

10/10/1980 Belfield, UCD, Freshers Ball with Icarus, The Blades, Know Brothers
Hot Press review by Philip Owens “We’re making a barrier up here”, said the lead mouth of The Teen Commandments, but it was neither the band nor the people that created the gap between the front row of people and the stage. It was, in point of fact, the disco next door.


Those of a weaker sense of purpose opted to pop next door to listen to a selection of records that could be heard in their entirety and with better sound on any day or night of the week on RTE Radio 2. How off putting it must be to a band who sweat their ass off trying to entertain a large group of people, the majority of whom would obviously not be challenged but would in preference retire to the safe and mentally undemanding yawn worthy complacency of a disco. Christ, how it gets me down

Preiinatoor inerrorsld

Try as hard as they might, the Teen Commandments ultimately failed to compete with complacency exemplified. It’s not as if they even deserve it – they’re good with an upper case G. Memorable songs with memorable titles – “Italian Girl In Algiers”, “I Was Only Thinking” and “Private World” stand out in my mind as some of the best stuff they presented on the night.

Teen Commandment Gig Review From In Dublin

19/12/1980 Toners, Dublin The Teen Commandments are undoubtedly, at this moment in time, one of the most original and refreshing bands in the entire history of the universe. They are dynamic, attractive, melodic, and essential to the survival of true pop music in this country. As well as that, there’s only tree of them and so your eyes don’t get tired following people around the stage all the time. Be smart! Tune yourself into this brand new sound while you can. Who knows, maybe these fab dudes will hit the jackpot and disappear forever from this ill favoured isle, never to be seen on these shores again, except for the odd one off gig in Toners on a Tuesday night. Wise up dudes, you know it makes sense. Catch this band now and live happily ever after. Ferdia MacAnna

One of the most original and refreshing bands

The Teen Commandments are undoubtedly, at this moment in time, one of the most original and refreshing bands in the entire history of the universe. They are dynamic, attractive, melodic, and essential to the survival of true pop music in this country. As well as that, there’s only tree of them and so your eyes don’t get tired following people around the stage al the time. Be smart! Tune yourself into this brand new sound while you can. Who knows, maybe these fab dudes will hit the jackpot and disappear forever from this ill favoured isle, never to be seen on these shores again, except for the odd one off gig in Toners on a Tuesday night. Wise up dudes, you know it makes sense. Catch this band now and live happily ever after. Ferdia MacAnna

During January & February 1981 the Teen Commandment and Highly Contagious had a residency Friday night at Toners. The Teens also had a Saturday night residency at the Cave in the Sportsmans Inn.

Your help is needed!

        If you can help with any information, demo tapes or memorabilia on this band please get in touch, using the contact form below.