
A U2 fan

About me, I’m a long time U2 fan, although I stopped following the band back in 1989. I stopped enjoying their music with the arrival of the “Achtung Baby” “Pop” & “Zooropa” albums. Tracks like The Fly, Discotheque, Mofo, Lemon, do nothing for me apart from wanting to turn them off. I have never been a fan of disco and never will.

U2’s early history

The reason I started this site was to try and clear up the myths that have built up around U2’s very early career. Most of the books out there are full of errors. Even the Bill Graham book “Another Time Another Place” has many of the concert dates wrong. Just a quick look at the early copies of Hot Press will prove this.

The Irish rock scene

Karl & Phil on stage at Harbour Bar

This site took legs after a few visits the the National Library in Dublin. I soon found out that Dublin had a very vibrant live music scene. Venues such as Moran’s Hotel, McGonagle’s, Downtown Kampus, The Blue Lagoon, Crofton Airport Hotel, Cellar Bar, El Redeo, The Baggot Inn & Magnet Bar were regularly holding rock concerts. Many bands such as the Radiators From Space, D.C Nien, The Atrix, The Vipers, Revolver, The Blades, Nun Attax would often pull bigger crowds than U2.

Taking shape

This site took legs after a few visits the National Library in Dublin. I soon found out that Dublin had a very vibrant live music scene. Venues such as Moran’s Hotel, McGonagle’s, Downtown Kampus, The Blue Lagoon, Crofton Airport Hotel, Cellar Bar, El Redeo, The Baggot Inn & Magnet Bar were regularly holding rock concerts.

The aim of this site

My aim is to bring these long forgotten bands back into the public eye. Giving the visitor to this site as much information about the bands as I can. This site would not be possible without the help of various members of these bands coming forward and helping me fill in the blanks.

Tour De France 1980

Until I found these dates within the pages of Hot Press. All but the National Stadium & Kampus concerts these dates have been lost in the mists of time.

Adam at the Showboat
Adam @ the Showboat 1980

Many thanks too…………….

People like Stacc Coll (R.I.P.) (early U2 sound man). Steve Averill & Pete Holidai, Dave & Robbie Moloney, Phil Byrne, Eddie McGrath, Tim McStay, Pete McCluskey, Bitzy, Dennis Rusk, George & Dick Purdy, Jude Carr, Johnny Bonnie, Bren Lynott, Pete Holidai, Stephen Averill, Patrick Brocklebank, Tony St Ledger, Frank Kearns Shay Hiney and many many more.