Brown Thomas Band

Many thanks to Joe Savino for his help in compiling this page.

Brown Thomas Band from; Ireland Active; 1978 – 1980
Line up;
Vocals; Joe Savino
Guitar; Steve Barrett
Guitar; Graham Taylor
Bass; Bryan Mulligan
Drums; Barry Mulligan
From May 1979 Declan Connaughton replaced Barry Mulligan on drums.

From March 1977 to February 1978 Joe Savino was the singer in the Max Quad Band, he is now a well known actor in Ireland. Dave Sweeney of the Gravediggers & The Vipers was also in the Max Quad band and for a short time so was Adam Clayton, Adam only played live with the band once.

On the 12/05/1979 Joe played guitar with U2 at their Dandelion Market concert, the Edge was ill in hospital.

The band also gigged under the name “BT’S”, they residencies at the Mississippi Rooms Bray & the Baggot Inn, McGonagle’s, Toners in Dublin, while also playing regularly at the colleges and universities. They as had a support slot on the 1978 Horslips tour of Ireland.

Brown Thomas Band

12/05/1978 Bellfield, UCD

24/05/1978 Toners, Dublin. The gig is stopped when the PA blows up, they will play a free gig the following week.

31/05/1978 Toners, Dublin. This is a free gig to make to make up for their PA blowing the week before.

26/07/1978 Aunally Hotel, Longford

05/08/1978 Phoenix Park Peace Festival, Dublin

28/09/1978 Holiday Inn, Bray

10/10/1978 Trinity College Dublin. This a lunchtime show

27/10/1978 Red Island, Skerries with Horslips

29/10/1978 Astoria, Bundoran with Horslips

30/10/1978 Ballina with Horslips

04/11/1978 Savoy, Limerick with Horslips

12/11/1978 Pavisi, Donegal with Horslips

16/11/1978 RTC, Waterford

17/11/1978 Abbey Inn, Tralee

18/11/1978 Abbey Inn, Tralee

01/12/1978 Munster Arms, Carrick

02/12/1978 Navan Road, Dublin

Picture supplied by Joe, on the steps at Trinity College, Dublin

11/02/1979 Pavillion Theatre, Dun Laoghaire with The Lookalikes

14/02/1979 GAA Centre, Athlone

15/02/1979 TCD lunchtime

15/03/1979 Crofton Airport Hotel, Dublin with Skank Mooks

16/03/1979 Kevin Street College, Dublin

17/03/1979 Ballina

20/04/1979 McGonagle’s, Dublin

27/04/1979 Kevin Street College, Dublin

12/05/1979 Dandelion Market, Dublin

15/06/1979 Killeshandra

16/06/1979 McGonagle’s, Dubiln (afternoon)

16/06/1979 McGonagle’s, Dubiln (night)

18/06/1979 Blue Lagoon, Sligo

23/06/1979 Ballina

Advert from Hot Press

15/06/1979 Killeshandra

16/06/1979 McGonagle’s, Dubiln (afternoon)

16/06/1979 McGonagle’s, Dubiln (night)

18/06/1979 Blue Lagoon, Sligo

23/06/1979 Ballina

Photo supplied by Joe Savino

28/07/1979 Dandelion Market, Dublin This is the only known concert U2 play without The Edge on guitar. Joe Savino (from the Brown Thomas Band) & Denis Rusk of the (Strougers) join U2 on stage, included in the set is a cover version of the “Pistols” “Pretty vacant”.

Emmett O’Reilly  Well, there was the fairly-well documented incident where Denis’s foot went through a hole in the patched-up stage, right up to his thigh and he just kept playing. Sound was pretty good, the band were getting very solid, as I recall. U2’s set at the time was well-paced, power-pop with a touch of a more expansive style developing. Edge was beginning to sound like a serious, serious talent & I often spent entire gigs mostly listening to his playing.

Denis Rusk the stage was scaffolding poles with lino to stand on. Very rock and roll.

Pete McCluskey “the edge was taken ill with suspect meningitis and bono played and sang for the first couple of numbers. he soon found the guitar a bit restricting and asked was there anyone in the audience who could play guitar. without hesitation, joe savino put his hand up and called to bono. he made his way to the stage and strapped on the guitar and played a few n umbers with the rest of u2 – i’m nearly sure i remember one song was a rolling stones song… I remember he was wearing a black overcoat at the time and he looked like one of echo and the bunnymen aginst the u2 lads in their t-shirts.”

Colm O’Kelly I remember that dando gig(when the edge got sick)Paul came running out into the courtyard in a total panic running around like a looney and spotting band members (me included) I`m sorry to say that I didn’t help him but enjoyed seeing him sweat a bit, guess I was jealous of them.

Peter McCluskey “THE ONE WITH PETE AT THE DANDELION WHERE HIS GLASSES FELL OFF…..1979 was sure a craaaazy year. note the jumper i’m wearing…an old girlfriend gave it to me and i had to keep wearing it and wearing it and wearing it in case she’d turn up to see was i wearing it and if i wasn’t I just KNEW there’d be trouble…….”

for those of you who rememeber the dandelion gigs on a Saturday and Sunday afternoons…the Strougers ( a band I was in ) played there a number of times – 2/3 times supporting an up-and-coming U2 …came across this old newspaper ad…

Bitzy “i can remember the concrete floor with rain puddles, steel girders for the roof, the stage made up of pallets etc, sticky fingers sprayed on the wall of stage, dodging glass flagons of cider bottles, bottles of lady esquire, lots and i mean lots of spit, speed and more speed (allegedly) hippies rippin ya off with oxo cubes posing as dope (their revenge), watchin the pretty sing ”vive la rock n roll”, gettin crushed as the black catholics dragged u2’s amps off the stage (titter titter), then retiring to the suffolk house to re-live it all!! halcyon days.”

Peter McCluskey i remember you falling off stage, i remember playing support to u2, i remember jumping off stage after our set and then standing with a taperecorder recording the u2 gig – still have it on tape. i remember playing with another band of mine called DRIVER, whatshisname o’rourke on bass, bill graham was there and reviewed us in hotpress the next week. i remember playing with u2 and the edge couldn’t make it cos he had suspected meningitis and bono had to play guitar. he got fed up, asked if anyone could play guitar and joe savino jumped on stage and played. i remember trying to hold my balance on the shifting planks of the stage. i remember the music, the fun, the thrill of it all……..

Bitzy that’s right, we played a version of anarchy in the UK
25/08/1979 Imperial Bar, Wexford

Photo supplied by Joe, The BT’s on stage @ the Market

12/01/1980 Imperial Bar, Wexford

18/01/1980 McGonagle’s, Dublin

24/01/1980 RTC, Athlone

25/01/1980 Kytelers, Killkenny

07/02/1980 RTC, Waterford

Picture supplied by Joe.

08/02/1980 McGonagle’s, Dublin

29/02/1980 McGonagle’s, Dublin

07/04/1980 Navan Road, Youth Club, Dublin

12/04/1980 McGonagle’s, Dublin late night, The Shade played the afternoon show with The Strougers playing the early evening show

03/05/1980 McGonagle’s, Dublin

20/06/1980 Project Arts Centre, Dublin with The Shade

29/06/1980 Free Street Recital, Macroom

19/07/1980 McGonagle’s, Dublin

02/08/1980 Imperial Hotel, Wexford

29/08/1980 Crofton Airport Hotel, Dublin

19/09/1980 Crofton Airport Hotel, Dublin

01/11/1980 McGonagle’s, Dublin

15/11/1980 Baggot Inn, Dublin