
This site is all about an enterprising group of youngsters that had the balls to get up and do something for themselves. This page will highlight some of the early do it yourself Punk concerts that got the ball rolling in Ireland. Finding venues that would let the bands play was a major problem. Most city centre venues were closed to punk and New Wave bands. I need your help! Were you involved with the this explosion of youth music, in Cork, Waterford, Limerick, Drogheda, Sligo, Dundalk or anywhere else outside of Dublin. Did you start your own local Fanzine? If so please get in touch.

Moran’s Hotel

Much more Music
Revolver on stage @Morans

Picture supplied by Kevin Helly

Much More Music
The Radiators From Space in full flight. Image supplied by Steve Averill

Belfields Burning

Irelands first "Punk Festival"
Image supplied by Sean O’Niell

Belfield poster supplied by Sean O’Niell of Spit Records.

The photo of the Radiators was taken backstage at Moran’s Hotel, Dublin.

Jude & Pete Price before the gig. Image supplied by Steve Averill.

Baggot Inn

Radiators @ the Baggot Inn
Phil & Steve @ the Baggot Inn. Image supplied by Steve Averill

St Anthony’s Hall

Susane Moylet of New Versions & a fan. Photo supplied by Patrick Brocklebank.

Gavin & Guggi of the Virgin Prunes

Charlie H of Berlin. Photo supplied by Patrick Brocklebank


Heat Vol 1 number 6. Image supplied by Jude Carr.

Image supplied by Pete Holidai & Steve Averill