Screamin Demon

Screamin Demon from; Drogheda Active; Dec 1981 – 1983
Style; Heavy Metal
Line up;
Lead Vocals & Guitar; Michael Kinsella
Lead Guitar; Jim Walsh left early in 1982
Bass; Eddie McKenna
Drums; Declan Hanratty 1981 – April 1982 Alfie Dowd August 1982

Boneysides Newest Rock Band

Drogheda rock heads were literally on their feet screaming for the Screamin Demons at the end of an exuberant 90 minutes display of heavy metal at the N.M.S. weekly gig in Sarsfield’s last Thursday night. It was the night guitar power came to town when Boynesides latest rock recruits made their long awaited debut performance.

Prophecy & Sea Witch

Formed from the realms of Prophecy and Sea Witch. A large band of followers turned up brimming with excitement, ready to hear their sound.
They weren’t let down. The Demons treated us all to the music of Zepplin, Saxon and Jimi Hendrix to mention but a few. Michael Kinsella on vocals was indispensable. A former member of the St. Joseph’s CBS school concert choir “Kinse” proved to all that despite his age there were still a few notes left in his head.

Not A Singer

On the other hand Eddie McKenna’s singing was just about tolerable because Eddie ain’t really a good singer and he ought to know by now. However, as one observer said to me, for once Eddie was playing the type of music he liked and boy was he enjoying himself.

Guitar Playing

As mentioned earlier the Demon’s guitar playing was excellent. I think it’s fair to say that Jim Walsh’s contribution surprised us all. His leads were right to a tee and apart from blowing the odd amp, Jim impressed and so did drummer Declan Hanratty. Declan, who learned his drumming with the Lourdes Boys and Girls Band kept up with every beat.

Original Material

But perhaps the greatest thing about the Screamin Demons performance was the quality of their own original material. One song “Gossiper Ghost”, written by Michael Kinsella, is one of the best songs I’ve heard from any up and coming Irish rock band for sometime.

Gossiper Ghost

Indeed if “Gossiper Ghost” is anything to go by then the Demons are set for a bright future.
Screamin’ Demon are made up of seasoned musicians all have been in other bands. Eddie McKenna had formerly been in Propchey & Tyrant, Declan was with Eddie in Tyrant & Sea Witch while Mick Had formerly been in Satanic Nightmare. Jim Walsh was also in Tyrant & Sea Witch.

Encouraging Sight

It is encouraging to see a local rock band working hard and getting gigs. And that is precisely what one outfit, Screamin’ Demon, are doing with themselves these days.
When I first encountered their music – predominantly heavy metal but they are trying to get out of that scene – at an NMS gig in Sarsfields, they came across as a decent rock group who can attain high standards in music anytime they put their minds to it. And this is a rare in many new wave Boyneside bands just now.

Full Of Rhythm

Their sound was fast and full of rhythm. Lead vocalist, Michael Kinsella, asserted his skills as a singer and showed his genius when the Demons played one of his many self penned numbers “Gossiper Ghost”.
They received a thunderous reception from a large audience and bass guitarist, Eddie McKenna, bounced around to his heart’s content.

Sweet Savage

Perhaps the high point of the Demons career was a support slot with Belfast Heavy Metal band Sweet Savage.

New Line Up

Next Friday night they make their full debut in Joey Mahers. No doubt their fans will be out in force.
Eddie McKenna told me recently that the group were not content at being labelled just another heavy metal outfit and they intend doing something more. But he is adamant they would always be a rock band.
Early in 1983 the band added Paul Clinton on bass with Eddie moving to rhythm guitar, the band also changed their name (XS-NRG) and style of music, out went the heavy metal and in came more melodic rock. The band play and hour & half set with covers by Neil Young etc. Most of their song are originals penned by Kinsella, McKenna & Dowd.