XS-NRG from; Drogheda Active; 1983 – 1983

Style; Rock
Line up;
Lead Vocals; Micheal Kinsella
Rhythm Guitar; Eddie McKenna
Bass; Paul Clinton
Drums; Alife Dowd

Next Friday night they make their full debut in Joey Mahers. No doubt their fans will be out in force.
Eddie McKenna told me recently that the group were not content at being labelled just another heavy metal outfit and they intend doing something more. But he is adamant they would always be a rock band.
Early in 1983 the band added Paul Clinton (formerly with Sea Witch) on bass with Eddie moving to rhythm guitar, the band also changed their name (XS NRG) and style of music, out went the heavy metal and in came more melodic rock. The band play and hour & half set with covers by Neil Young etc. Most of their song are originals penned by Kinsella, McKenna & Dowd.

2 Track Slane Demo Tape

Like Screamin Demon, XS-NRG recorded a demo tape at Slane Studio. 2 tracks “Running For President & “Gypsey Tale”

By April 1983 Alfie Dowd had been replaced on drums by Brendan Hoey. Formerly with another Drogheda band The Vibes.