A Further Room

A Further Room From; Dublin Active; 1981 – 1983
Style; tbc
Line up;
Vocals; Paul Redmond
Guitar; Mark Fleming
Bass; David Christie
Drums; Stephan Tracu

A Further Room were formed by Paul & David, both of whom had been in the Alternatives. The band also recorded a 3 track demo at Dublin’s Windmill Studio.

Front cover of their single

The band moved to London in either 1981 or 1982, their debut & only single was recorded in London in 1982. The image left and tracks below were all very kindly supplied by David Christie. Stephen left the band before they left for London, he got a job with the Irish civil service.

Paul Redmond “we used a drum machine when Stephen left…was good enough for the Bunnymen…we taut.” “We played a few gigs in London, the Cartoon in West Croydon.. cant remember a lot ..was out of it most of the time…in the end the place was robbed during the Brixton riots.. Our gear was taken by the rioters .. “Memories from David Christie

I unfortunately don’t have any photos/memorabilia from the time, anything I had was thrown out by my mother who thought it was rubbish along with 100 copies of single. I will ask Mark Fleming but I think he has very little. The Alternatives played around 8 gigs in 1978 in Magnet on Pearse street with Strange Movements and the Blades. Bernie Walsh from Stars of Heaven played two gigs with us . Also played CIE Hall behind Clerys on O’Connell st.

Pearse St

The local lads around Pearse street didn’t take to kindly to punks in their areas and tensions built up over the weeks culminating in a mass assault on the pub.

Gang Fight

Garda escorted us away but my brother Ian was caught by gang and ended up in hospital. Band broke up for a while and only played one more gig in Dandelion Market with Neon Heart, who were previously members of Strange Movements.

A Further Room played around 30 or 40 gigs in Dublin 1980 -1982. Relocated to London in 1982. We never really got it together there , only played one gig but did record a single. Broke up and returned to Dublin 1983.

Violence in Dublin

We had some hairy moments playing gigs in Dublin. We were bottled off the stage at open air gig in Finglas while playing support to Meelah 18. A massive 100 person brawl in school in Kilbarrack. Funny looking back but pretty wild at the time. Violence was pretty commonplace at gigs at that time. Played Magnet, Judge and Jury and other places that I can’t remember name of. Great memories.