Blue Angel

Blue Angel From; Cavan Active; 1979 – 1980
Style Heavy Metal
Line up:
Vocals; Phelin Cox
Guitar; Paul Myers
Guitar; Jim Dunne
Bass; Martin McCleary
Drums; Paul Cox

Their live set contained covers by Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Thin Lizzy & AC/DC. By May of 1979 they were introducing their own material into their live set. The band also played gigs in Dublin including the Dandelion Market with Room Service, Magnet Bar & McGonagle’s. They made at least one TV appearance on RTE’s “Our Times”.

By December 1979 the band had changed their name to Revue.

Paul Myers & Martin McCleary would go on to from Sweet Revenge & Tapestry. Paul Cox joined C60, then The Fireflies on the Showband circuit. Paul Cox became a very successful studio technician working in many of the top studios in Ireland.

Your Help Is Needed!

If you have any information or memorabilia on the band please get in touch using the form below.