Tabs The

The Tabs from; Drumcondra Dublin Active; 1979 – 1982
Style; Power pop/Mod
Line up;
Guitar & Vocals; Conor Barry
Guitar & Vocals; Michael Redmond
Bass & Vocals; Alan Flynn
Drums; Paul Hogan

The band formed in early 1979 with Alan Flynn on bass.

Line up change

In the seven months since the band was formed, the Tabs have had their share of line up hassles, the most recent being the sudden departure of their rhythm section. Reshuffled and augmented by new drummer Joe Fitzgerald the Tabs are now settling down as a threes piece, through the long term possibility that they might recruit a new keyboard player has not been completely ruled out.
They described their all original set loosely as “American orientated pop rock”, and have just completed recording a demo of three self penned songs in Eamonn Andrews Studios. They play two residencies in Dublin; the Sportsmans Inn Thursdays and the Baggot Inn Mondays (Jan – May 1980). During the Baggot Inn residency The Tabs shared the bill with The Twist, then later with The Stubs.
Hot Press “All The Young Dudes” May 1980

Line up; March 1980 – 1982
Michael Redmond Guitar & Vocals
Noel O’Keefe Bass & Vocals (R.I.P.)
Joe Fitzgerald Drums (R.I.P)

The band became a trio in March 1980, when Conor & Paul left the band. Their only single was released in 1982 on Vixen Records.

7″ Million Miles/Gotta Get Away Vixen Records FM001 1982 P/S

Hot Press Review Of Foul Play & The Tabs Gig @ The Baggot Inn

Foul Play with The Tabs Baggot Inn April 80 I entered the Baggot in time to catch the last three songs of support act Foul Play’s set, eager rocky funk reminiscent of the AWB. The vocalist’s range was tremendous the musicians’ skill undoubted, but they left me unmoved, though surprised that they were still a support band. They deserve closer attention at some future date.

The Tabs

Tonight the audience belongs to The Tabs, a three piece whose professionalism belies their youth; tight, clean, the sound balanced to perfection, bass heavy pop with clear vocals and light metal guitar. They remind me of a pop Lizzy, the songs clip along in a linear fashion, catchy melodies hung on similar frameworks. Bassist/vocalist Noel O’Keefe’s voice sounds not unlike Lynott’s in texture, strong and forceful though with a limited range. The lyrics entertained me throughout the evening, managing to avoid for the most part, typical pop clichés, They deal in a variety of unusual subjects, from a casual poem to the delights of killing (“Friends, I ain’t got no friends/They’re dead, I shot them all, they’re dead”) to an egotistical jibe at lack of audience reaction, in a manner which is part smart Alec, part tongue in cheek.

National Stadium

As the night wore on the similarities between songs became more obvious, verging on tedious, alleviated suddenly by magnesium flash smoke bombs. I expected them to cough as the smoke cluttered the stage. I started to laugh as silhouetted waitresses walked by, oblivious to the special effects. Smoke bombs in the Baggot! A logo that wouldn’t look out of place in the National Stadium, a professional sound that you just know the Beatles never had live, it all seemed so absurd!
O’Keefe announces the next number. Another chip off the old pop, what these boys would sound like on the radio! Which is undoubtedly where they will end up. Neil McCormick Hot Press

Passage To Stardom Competition

16/02/1981 Star & Cresent, Passage to Stardom Competition. Drogheda Independent February 81 Dublin band, The Tabs made a good impression in the Passage to Stardom contest with everyone except the judges who seemed to be anti rock. The three piece outfit had in Joe Fitzgerald, one of the best drummers I heard in a long time.
The other two members of this original group are Noel O’Keffe on bass and Mick Redmond lead guitar.

Where Are They Now?

Mick Redmond The original band formed in early 79 had Alan Flynn on bass. Unfortunately Joe Fitzgerald passed away in 2017. Alan Flynn, Paul Logan and myself reformed for 2 charity shows, both held in the Merrion Inn ( 2009 and 2012).

Mick Redmond Ok. I was a member of the Lookalikes from 86 through 97 in the U.S. Still playing currently with Fatt Elizabeth ( Lizzy tribute band) in New York. Noel passed away in 1991. Joe passed on in 2017. Alan and Paul both play with local bands in Dublin. Conor went on to be the guitar player on numerous studio sessions and also Riverdance in London among other things.

Picture supplied by Mick Redmond, Mick & Alan 2009 at the Merrion Inn charity show.