Blue Movies

All photographs and demo records supplied Trish Meyer.

Blue Movies From; Dublin Active; 1981 – 1983
Style; tbc
Line up;
Vocals; Billy McGuinness
Guitar; Alan Kenny
Bass; Don Kearns
Drums; Allen McFarlane
Keyboards; Patricia McGrath

Blue Movies

Blue Movies have a pedigree in that they are an amalgamation of ex members of known bands such as Foul Play, Rogue Angel and Some Kind Of Wonderful while the amazing Ms McGrath is described as “A previously undiscovered talent”. The Band have been together since March and after intensive rehearsals now have a 95 per cent original set. They played their first date in May and can be seen gigging round the city and country.

Line Up Changes

By June 1982 John O’Halloran had replaced Don Kearns on bass & Pat Hamilton had replaced Alan Kenny on guitar.

Blue Movies are an enterprising young Dublin band who are back in business after two month layoff and some personnel changes. During that time they were busy rehearsing new material which the five piece purveyors of electronic dance music are now ready to inflict upon the public. On Saturday they play support to Auto De Fe in the Baggot Inn.

Magnet Bar, Dublin

April 1982 Anyone drawn to the Magnet Bar on Dublin’s Pearse Street tomorrow night by a sign in the window advertising “Blue Movies” may be in for a disappointment. The Blue Movies are just the latest in a steady succession of Dublin bands to play in this popular rock venue. Irish Press.

Pat Hamilton out of shot.
Trish Keyboards, Billy vocals,

25/06/1982 Joey Mahers, Drogheda with Assembly. Blue Movies are a Dublin band who thrive on the music of Duran Duran, Spandu Ballet, and Japan. They arrived in Drogheda last week in pursuit of gigs and thanks to the generosity of Joey Maher, they succeeded.
They’ll play in the George’s Street rock spot, on June 25. According to lead singer, Billy McGuinness, they formed about a year ago and since then have spent most of their time gigging on the Dublin circuit.
“We’ve got ambitions to break through on the provincial circuit and we intend to start with Drogheda. Our music is fast moving and good”, he said.


Billy told me they’d been doing a lot of recording work lately and a few demo tapes was the end result. “We’d like to release a single”, said Billy. “But it’s a matter of time and money”.
He added that they’d like to play in Bubbles because they reckoned the crowd there would like their music. Somehow I’m inclined to agree with them.

Blue Movies 1982
Blue Movies at the SFX, Dublin.

Left Blue Movies poster.


The band, who come from the Santry area in Dublin, are Billy, Pat Hamilton, John O’Halloran, Patricia McGrath and Alan McFarlane. Drogheda Independent June 1982
06/08/1982 Joey Mahers, Drogheda. Last Friday week with little or nothing happening on the local scene I decided to drop in to Joey Mahers to check out Dublin band, Blue Movies.
And to get straight to the point I was flabbergasted. I expected to see a mediocre metropolitan outfit on stage. But instead I witnessed one of the best live performances I’d seen in the town for some time.

Blue Movies

Blue Movies are not a pop, rock, punk or a heavy metal band. They believe in a fast moving, energetic sound instigated by at talented lady playing keyboards/synthesiser and brilliantly set off by the lead singer, Billy  McGuinness. It can best be described as futurist music.

Tremendous Frontman

Billy in fact is a tremendous front man. He has a powerful voice, charm, the gift of the gab and, most important of all, knows how to deal with an audience.
Blue Movies have been together for over a year now. They are regular performers in the Baggot Inn, and have conquered a few other city centre venues.
They came to Drogheda to make a name for themselves and did just that. Joey Maher intends bringing them back on August 3 and I’m predicating he’ll pack the place that night.

About 80 heads showed up for last weeks gig and they all left truly satisfied. And that doesn’t happen round these parts too often now. Drogheda Independent

Supporting Phil Lynott

07/07/1982 Dublin supporting Phil Lynott

    Your Help Is Needed!       
        If you have any information or memorabilia on the band please get in touch using the form below.